Seeing Stories

Recovering Landscape Narrative in Urban and Rural Europe

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Rua da Regueira: Saint Anthony and the feasts

In June the streets are filled with light and colour! It's the Feast Days of the Popular Saints and patron Saint Anthony's is more than happy to bless new couples! Lanterns, garlands, streamers and lights, fresh sardines, sweet sangria and basil pots: each with its red carnation, and each with its lively quote.






Seeing Stories is ending as a project. But through the project we have met many individuals and organisations who want to share good practice and creative skills. So we are forming an international network called Stories in Place. The network is open to all those who through their work, art or volunteering wish to strengthen the connections between people and place through storytelling. Our aim is to further strengthen international friendship and collaboration.

If you would like to be part of Stories in Place please contact Donald Smith, Project Manager of Seeing Stories, and Director of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival, on